Senin, 03 Juni 2013

Business Communication

Business communication is the exchange of ideas, opinions, information, instructions that have a specific purpose that is served in a personal or impersonal through symbols - symbols or signals.

Business communication involves the exchange of information constantly. This is a continuous process. More business expanded, greater pressure on the business to find more effective ways to communicate - with the workers and with the world outside. Thus, business and communication go hand in hand. 

In business communication There are six main elements, namely: 

  • Having a goal, meaning that business communication must have previously set objectives in line with organizational objectives.
  • Exchange, in this case involves at least two people or lbih the communicator and the communicat.
  • Ideas, opinions, information, instruction is the content of messages that shape vary depending on the purpose, situation, and condition.
  • Using a personal or impersonal channels that may be face to face, use a particular medium or media through which to reach millions of people simultaneously.
  • Receipts symbol or signal which is a tool or method that can be understood or understood by the receiver to convey the message.
  • Achievement of organizational goals: one of the distinguishing characteristics of a formal organization or institution is the purpose of information predetermined by management.

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