Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

The Young Man Was Found Covered in Blood on The Side of The Church

A young man named Randi Ari (19), was found covered in blood lying next to the Church of St. Albertus, Harapan Indah Road, Medan Satria, Bekasi. Based on information from the Center for Communication and Information Jakarta Metropolitan Police Tuesday (10/23rd/2012), Citizens on Delima IV Malaka Sari street, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, was found with head injuries. The victim was first invented by Agus, a security church and Edi Purwanto, a member of the Army District Military Command Bekasi. The discovery was reported to Metro Police officers conducted Medan Satria for further handling. Officers who come to the site immediately conduct crime scene to take the victim to the hospital the next Bekasi. Until now, the victim is still in critical condition and can not be questioned. According to information obtained from witnesses at the scene, officials suspect victim Randi deprivation motorcycle. Because the officers did not find the victim's motorcycle, but in the wallet contained the victim Certificate Number Vehicle (vehicle registration) Beat Honda motorcycle with police number B 3745 TJR on behalf of Randi Ari Matias Sarayar.

Wahyu Cahyaningsih
English Literature
Gunadarma University

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